Logo Process

First Iteration Process

Final Four

Other Iterations

Super Mario
Donkey Kong

Space Invaders

Name Tags
Each Mega Kids Camp participant required a personalized name tag. Altogether, for leaders, volunteers, and kids, over 1000+ name tags were produced. The “Track #” referred to the group a child was placed in, which usually correlated to their grade. “Position” referred to any adult volunteer such as an activity staff and a group leader. There were six tracks and six to eight colors per track. InDesign’s Data Merge function was used to merge and organize names, tracks, and colors from a .csv file.

Camp Lanyard & Name Tag

Dog Tags

The Rockstars are a group of staff and volunteers that lead the kids in dance songs twice per day. They take popular artist names and change them a bit to create Biblical spin-offs for them. Each kid received this printed picture at the end of the camp and they got to go ask these characters for their autograph. Since the theme was based around gaming and in the 8-bit style it was a lot of fun to take the pictures of these characters and make them recognizable in 8-bit.

Outdoor Wayfinders • Character Hall Signs
T-Shirt • Group Posters • Tags